This page
contains job opening
information for Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC. If we
have a job opening it will be posted here FIRST. If you do not see a
job opening here, there is no job opening. However, if you would
like to be considered for future openings you can contact us through
our e-mail form on our contact us page or send an e-mail to resumes
at this domain (we don't write out the e-mail because spam-bots seem
to like it). Resumes sent to us when no jobs are posted are our
lowest priority so you may not hear a response from us. Please
include pay requirements with all inquiries and applications.
We only
consider direct applicants and
we do not pay
HR firms or recruiters.
We Have No
Current Opennings
for Possible Future Applicants
This is for
future guidance only. If no oppurtunity is stated above, there are no
current opennings.
Engineering Professionals,
LLC is a small dynamic company. We look for top talent only. We ask
for this, as do our customers. Employees will be interacting with top
management and customers on a daily basis. If you do not have top
skills this will be readily apparent to everyone almost immediately
and you most likely will not make it through the initial probationary
period. But for the talented, your work will be appreciated and you
will be able to work on a very diverse array of engineering problems
with the ability to see those designs come to life as they go into
manufacture. Our pay scale is also in place to provide generous
rewards to those who help the company prosper with structured
performance bonuses and profit sharing.
In all
applicants, we look for the
- Excellent design skills and background
that shows highly creative design and problem solving.
- A passion for engineering design.
- Extremely strong technical skills, the
ability to solve complicated engineering problems quickly without
shying away from math or underlying engineering calculations.
- Outstanding communication skills, all
our employees interface with clients and need to be able to
communicate and demonstrate their work often to people who are not
engineers in a way that they can understand.
Our next hire
(and this may not be for
many many months) will most likely be a Senior Engineer/Program
Manager. This would be someone at the top of their field who can
manage complex engineering assignments from start to finish who also
has a strong grasp on engineering design steps and time requirements.
The second most likely opening would be an entry level design engineer.